Parish Community

St Edmund’s is one of six catholic schools in the Catholic Community of Skelmersdale that  is served by three churches. As one parish we strive to build a living community of family and friends. Together we try to love one another and put into practice the way Jesus taught us to live. We believe that belonging to the Church enriches lives on so many different levels and in so many different ways.

It is important to our school community that we have strong links with our parish.  Members of the church form our governing body and the whole school attends mass three times a year.  Church is not accessible by walking therefore as a school, we hire a coach so that children experience the peace and reverence of church.

Click here to see the website of the Catholic Parish of St Richard, Skelmersdale

Click here to view the weekly newsletter of St. Richard's Parish, Skelmersdale

Wednesday word

Each week we send each family a copy of Wednesday Word via email.   Every Wednesday a ‘word’, inspired by the coming Sunday’s Gospel, will be suggested for families to talk about in the home. The Wednesday Word is structured around the Sunday Gospel, because evidence shows that Gospel values really do help family relationships to thrive.

The Wednesday Word also has a website that shares Sunday’s Gospel with parents and families. There are activities and games available too.

To find out more, please follow this link:

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